
Call of duty cold war bad reviews
Call of duty cold war bad reviews

call of duty cold war bad reviews call of duty cold war bad reviews

Cold War switches back to the Treyarch-style of scorestreaks that account for all points earned, not just kills. This is a roundabout way of saying that killstreaks are still around and still unfortunately prominent. The need for Ghost or Cold Blooded wastes a slot I’d rather use on a fun perk that lets me shoot while sprinting. All of the stealth-based perks like Ghost that I usually use to avoid UAVs are relegated to the third slot. Perks in the first two slots are minor bonuses to grenade resistances and cooldowns. I think this is partly why perks are less impactful this time around. I enjoy the absurdity of Gunfighter, which lets you stick eight attachments to a gun instead of the usual five, though I suspect most players will stick to the Perk Greed wildcard to score an extra three perks for free. Wildcards, class modifiers seen in past Black Ops games, let you bend the rules in some fun ways. Treyarch’s latest take on Create-a-Class does come with a few improvements. Is it too much to ask for a humble AK-47 with an underbarrel shotgun and variable thermal scope? Yes, because '80s. The weapon selection is a strange middle ground between high-tech and historic that satisfies neither extreme. The sense of discovery and experimentation is diminished.īesides a few neat '80s-era map destinations like Miami or Moscow, the Cold War setting just holds multiplayer back. In Cold War, I’m tweaking sliders without seeing or feeling a big result. Modern Warfare’s weapons were malleable blueprints. The omission of other offbeat modifiers like underbarrel launchers, weapon perks, and hybrid sights really stings. Since red dot and holographic sights were still early tech at the time, there are far fewer long-range options with clear laser sights. The '80s setting works in recognizable guns like the MP5 and M4, but the impact on attachments is noticeable. One of Cold War’s biggest problems is the time period itself. Call of Duty is, in its own way, evolving into a single service game hub with Warzone at its center.

Call of duty cold war bad reviews